久しぶりに飛行機を見に、テターボロ空港(国内線)に行ってきました。 To see the plane after a long time, we went to Teterboro Airport (domestic). Hyo君はちょっと興奮気味に。 Hyo-Chung is a little excited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrKMlQAyX6A 離陸する飛行機の音でかなりびびるHyo君。(爆音出して飛んでいった飛行機があったな。ホント恐い。) Because of the noise from the planes taking off, Hyo-Chung that pretty freaked out. Hyo-Chung who had quite daunted. (Then there is an airplane flew away put out the roar. Really scary.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlg1LRp__XI 一時間以上そこに居たので飽きてきたHyo君。 Hyo-Chung to get bored because it stayed there for more than an hour. タオルを忘れたので、ストローラーのベルトで鼻へグリグリ。 So I forget the towel, muzzles to nose with a belt of the stroller. それをお口の中に・・・。別にタオルでなくてもいいんだ。そうか・・・鼻の中に入るくらいの大きさだったら何でもござれか・・・大物だねぇ! In a mouth it .... indeed. Is not important his towel. I see... Whatever It looks good there you were about the size of a fall in the nose. Big shot is different! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U9P1aWexgk 今日もお昼寝なしで 爆進 す...